This week is our first full week of school at MMS. The Summer Program has ended and we are in full school mode. The children are settling in nicely. Some have moved up from the infant class into the toddler class and some have moved up from the toddler classroom into the 3-6 year-old classrooms. We also have many new children who have started at MMS this year. The children are busy learning their new routines and the teachers are going over the ground rules of the classrooms. Everything is introduced to the children such as: Opening and closing a door, sitting in a chair, getting out a work, using the bathroom and washing hands. Each Montessori work is introduced at group time in the morning. This allows the child to know how to do the work properly and without help. The mixed ages of the children in a classroom allow older children to feel confident and help the younger children learn how to function in the classroom.
April 2023